
Fig tree pinching refers to the practice of removing the tips of young shoots or branches of a fig tree in order to encourage bushier growth and increase fruit production. This technique is typically done in the spring or early summer when the tree is actively growing.

Pinching involves using your fingers or pruning shears to remove the new growth at the tip of a branch, usually leaving behind one or two leaves. By doing so, you stimulate the tree to produce new growth from the leaf nodes just below the pinch point, which results in more branches and ultimately more fruit.

It’s important to note that pinching should only be done on young, vigorous trees that are still developing their shape. Once the tree has matured and developed its desired shape, pinching is no longer necessary or recommended, as it can reduce fruit production.

Additionally, it’s important to keep in mind that over-pruning or pinching can actually decrease fruit production, so it’s important to be cautious and strategic when pruning or pinching your fig tree.